As selfie culture continues to grow, people are more comfortable in front of the camera than ever before. Connecting a story around the world is easier, and cheaper, than ever. This phenomenon was the driving force behind our production of Conquer Cancer Foundation’s (CCF’s) newest fundraising video, Our Calling, in which doctors around the world share their stories.
Created on a minimal budget, our video is solely composed of authentic, self-shot footage of CCF-funded doctors. It was the only way to feature research happening right now, in places like India, Iraq, Kenya, the Philippines and the United States, without a sick travel stipend. The homemade videos also allow the researchers’ passion, personality and sense of purpose to shine through.
No other organization is connecting researchers and supporting breakthroughs quite like CCF. Our Calling lets you peer in on the brightest minds in cancer research and gives the selfie a more meaningful and selfless purpose.