
Loud and Proud Amidst the Political Noise

Loud and Proud Amidst the Political Noise

Our favorite Pride 2024 Campaigns

Celebrating Pride in 2024 feels even more like an act of defiance than it has in recent years; a tense political climate seems to have more and more companies showing quiet support rather than a bold stance. Ten states have implemented anti-DEI legislation, cutting DEI funds at corporations, universities, and offices.

And yet amid this tension, a few brands have still found ways to authentically show allyship through impactful campaigns that go beyond selling T-shirts for profit with a marginal percentage supporting an LGBTQ+ organization or using a rainbow version of their traditional logo.

Macy’s, for example, partnered with The Trevor Project for their Styles of Pride campaign. The YouTube video highlights queer and trans youth, having them tell stories of acceptance and self-discovery and share the importance of self-expression. Macy’s used its massive platform to encourage donations The Trevor Project—without encouraging people to shop at any of its locations.

TD used their platform to drive home their focus on inclusive spaces for the LGBTQ+ communities. They also opted to share stories of queer youth and allies, all focused on one key message: everyone deserves to feel included.

Converse resurfaced their annual Proud to Be campaign, which encourages people to defy expectations and celebrate the beauty of being themselves. They’ve partnered with several organizations including the Ali Forney Center and It Gets Better to highlight queer leaders and spaces that help the LGBTQ+ community feel seen, heard, and uplifted.

Taking a stand during Pride is something we’ve come to expect from brands and corporations, especially considering how accepting and open people have become. We’re excited to see that even in the middle of a perceived uptick in anti-equality sentiment, some brands are doubling down on their support. We’ll continue to do the same—and we’ll be watching to see how things change next year. Perhaps, a return to rainbow flags in storefront windows will be in order.