When our client Make-A-Wish launched the #ArmWrestleChallenge for World Wish Day this Sunday, April 29th, True North was pumped to participate and help raise support for an amazing cause.
Not only is this social campaign a fun way to get everyone involved in helping grant wishes, but it also exemplifies the collective muscle of doctors, donors, and volunteers, coming together to make the impossible possible. We got ready to flex our muscles and stepped up to the impromptu Wish stage to face our opponents.
The competition was fierce, including…
The Romanian Dynamite and The Herculean Taskmaster
The Mighty Cobra, The Bionic Obliterator, and The Admiral Falcon
The Pepperoni Punisher And The Scorpion Queen
In the end, we fought clean despite some leftover sticky hands and sore biceps.
Most importantly, we are donating the prize money to Make-A-Wish and helping grant the wishes of more children battling critical illnesses.
Want to join the fun?
Start your own #ArmWrestleChallenge:
- Challenge a friend to an arm wrestle by tagging them on social media
- Make it interesting by putting something sticky on each side
- Loser donates double what the winner donates to Make-A-Wish
- Upload a photo or video using #ArmWrestleChallenge
- Keep it going by tagging more friends to do the challenge!
Visit Wish.org/challenge to learn more.