True North helped launch the inspiring new branded podcast, “The Power of a Wish,” in collaboration with our client, Make-A-Wish, our publisher, Midroll, and our amazing storyteller and host, Erin Davis. As of today, you can check out the first two full episodes! Like everything we do with Make-A-Wish, this project was extremely rewarding and we’re proud to share it with all who will listen. After hearing the final episodes ourselves, we’re all even bigger champions of the incredible organization and its mission to grant the wish of every eligible child.
You can subscribe to the series or download individual episodes HERE
“The Power of a Wish” transports listeners inside the world of wishes both big and small, from getting a puppy to adopting a sister. It all started with the True North team in a conference room brainstorming big ideas that would forge a deeper connection with Make-A-Wish followers and drive additional engagement with wish.org. A podcast seemed perfect. What better way for Make-A-Wish to give back to its supporters than original content and heartwarming stories of wish kids, families, volunteers, and donors? Although wishes are magical, each and every one takes a village of passionate people to pull off, plus over $10,000 for flights, hotels, and other expenses. This podcast gives the Make-A-Wish team and its partners a platform to share their unfiltered feelings throughout the wish journey.
Although listeners are likely to be inspired to donate after hearing about the work and its impact, the podcast never explicitly asks for donations, and it’s not intended to be advertising. Instead, it’s a way to celebrate the close-knit Make-A-Wish community and recognize how wish moments transform the lives of wish makers as much as they transform the lives of children with critical illnesses.
If you’re looking for a new feel-good podcast for your morning jog or evening commute, “The Power of a Wish” is sure to inspire, educate, and entertain. Keep tuning in for future episodes in the works!