What started as an idea for a weekly True North Zoom meeting became something we could share with frontliners around the world. We created Patches of Gratitude because we believe in service. While doctors, nurses, pharmacists, grocery workers, transit workers, and others continue to put their lives on the line, “non-essential workers” have been doing our part at home video chatting and trying to stay connected. By creating a virtual quilt, we’re able to connect safely, express our individual gratitude, and create a collective expression of love and support for those who need it more than ever. The story of Patches of Gratitude is still young, and we’ll continue to share it in the weeks (and months) to come. As it grows, new themes and stories may emerge.
From a portrait of a friend who works on the frontlines as an Emergency Room doctor to a snapshot of a mom wearing a mask exhibiting a painted upside-down rainbow to form a smile that emanates positivity and hope to passersby, every patch has a purpose, tells a story, and helps stitch together support for each other. The platform is a small token of appreciation from our agency that we hope will make frontliners and others smile through these difficult times.
So far, True Northers and others have submitted unique and inspiring patches. Below are a few we’d like to highlight, but you can see them all and return to view new submissions at patchesofgratitude.com.
Portrait of a friend and ER doctor
Friendly smiling while mask wearing
Gearing up to fight the virus villain
Drawing by 7-year-old Arianna to show love for nurses
Sidewalk plaque in Brooklyn commemorating ALL frontline heroes
Uniting daily to bang pots and pans at 7pm in NYC
Handmade lantern shining positivity over Staten Island
Heartfelt thank you digital illustration
Our Patches of Gratitude virtual quilt continues to grow, and every patch adds a new perspective as we all get through the pandemic in our own ways. Please share patchesofgratitude.com with a frontline worker or submit your own patch to add to the quilt!